
Monday, February 24, 2014

Hint, Hint

Character, class, charm. These are just a few of the words I would use to describe the work of Bentwood Jewelry. I have honestly never seen such jewelry made from wood, as exquisitely done as these.

If you are anything like me, (and I think you are), jewelry can be means of expressing your true self. A feeling, a thought, a memory. I especially love pieces that are unique, and deeply meaningful. This is why I only usually design one of the kind pieces in my line of jewelry. Sticker price also factors in, of course. With Bentwood Jewelry, you can have all that you desire, while being kind to your wallet!

Please do read the interview below, and get to know the woman behind the extraordinary pieces. Then, check out her store on etsy!
And Shannon, I would be happy to sample a new know, just to make sure it's of quality :)

1. when did you decide to join Etsy?

I been making and selling bentwood rings for years for friends and family but I just joined Etsy this summer.

2.Have you always been creative?

Yes! I have always been a creative person. I think it all started with coloring...which is still one of my favorites

3. How would you describe your creative process?

I always start with trying to find an inlay that would compliment a wood, or a wood that would compliment another wood. I have so many ideas that I have yet to try. My favorite is to blend natural elements together.

4. Who/what are your inspirations?

My inspirations come from many sources. Nature, I love taking something raw and natural and making it uniquely pretty or unexpected. People are always a great inspiration. My most favorite rings to craft are when I collaberate with a customer to make a beautiful custom ring that has meaning to them. I love being a part of their story.

5. Five things that make me happy:
1. My husband. He has been my biggest support system in everything in life.
2. My children...they are my gifts; my blessings.
3. My's the best. I love using the right side of my brain all day. The sky's the limit
4. Music....happy, sad, funny. I love the emotion that music brings. Music helps us recall memories like a photograph. My shop always has music playing.
5. Spending time with my family! They are my very best friends.

6. How do you choose the wood you work with? Do you have a favorite?

It is important to me that any wood I consider not be on the severe endangered list and my sources are responsibly harvesting their wood with the thought for future growths. There are hundreds of both domestic and exotic woods that can be used in place of wood species currently being threatened. So there are many options to stay eco-friendly and still show love for nature with wearable art in the form of bentwood rings.
The woods I select have to have good or better bending qualities and be relatively strong as well.
As far as my favorite, it's changes all the time but I can tell you ebony and rosewood are my biggest sellers.

7.If you could go back to your darkest time in your life, what advice would you give yourself?

"It's only a blink"....the darkest times are only a blink in my life.

8. How do you think, we as women, can better support each other?

We should advise and support one another in all things by creating a sisterhood. For most women we want a career, but we also want to be family oriented. . . we want to find the right balance between life and work.

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