
Friday, December 6, 2013

Meet Mandi of Leigh's Wiccan Boutique

In an effort to share the best Etsy has to offer, I am pleased to feature my next designer, Mandi. For me, It is difficult to find a reputable Wiccan shop that carries all my wants and needs, and Leigh's Boutique is just that. I want the shop to have that personal touch, as if they would be that wisewoman at the end of the village, or the cunning midwife, in a quaint cottage full of herbs and secrets.

I am pleased that I found such a creative and vibrant store owner in Mandi, someone who genuinely loves what she does! What follows is my personal interview with her. Please take a moment and get to know her as I have; then stop on her Facebook page, and tell her I sent you!

1. Have you always been a creative person?
I have been creating since I was 10 yrs old. My mom and I would paint ceramics together, and go to the ceramic shops to find new green ware to work on all the time. I remember when she enrolled my sister and I into a porcelain class and we spent every Wednesday for a year making our own personal porcelain dolls. Those are some of the best memories we made together.

3D Bohemian Gemstone Dreamcatcher

2. When did you decide to sell your items?
I started selling my items about 4 years ago. I was unemployed going stir crazy and needed to occupy my mind while the kids were away at school. I started creating my line which at first was just jewelry. My big sister had told me about Etsy and suggested I give it a try. I am thankful she did because without her advice I wouldn't be where I am today.

3.How would you describe your creative process?
There is not always a method to my madness, unless it is requested of me. When I create new works of art for the shop I am inspired from within to make whatever it is I am going to make on that sudden whim. It is as if I was called to make to design that piece. Images, or idea’s just pop in my head and I go with it. I call it Divine knowledge that was bestowed upon me. When a custom order is requested of me I take that customers idea’s and run with it using the colors and stones that call to them. They always love their custom piece to.

Heart Shaped Rose Grapevine Holiday Wreath

4 If I wasn't doing this, I would be..........
To be honest with you if I wasn’t doing my craft, the one thing I truly enjoy and love besides my kids then I really don’t know what I would do. I would be lost, and piece of my soul would be missing.

5. What/who are your inspirations?
My family and friends are big inspirations to me. My oldest son also follows in my foot steps and is always inspiring me to create something new, and I also inspire him with his paintings. My kids are honest with me, and if they don’t like something I made they tell me right off the bat. My older sister inspired me to be who I am today, to never give up and has been my back bone for years regarding my business, and I hers as well. My friends are inspiring to me with their unconditional support and constant idea’s along with their help when I need them.

6. Of the four elements (earth, air, fire, water), which best describes you.
I have been told that within my Native American Tribe I am of the element Wind, however I also find myself very connected to the earth.

7. Five things I am grateful for are?

I am grateful for my husband, Children, the home over our heads. The small local shop my husband built for my boutique so I can live my dream, and all my family that I have.

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