
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Spreading the Love

    I love to write about my thoughts and feelings, my experiences, my worldview, my passions, dreams, and the like. But, I also love learning about others and their creative journeys; their life story and passions. I feel invigorated when someone shares how they got started in painting Indian Goddesses, or designing floral headpieces. I believe we are here to find our authentic self, to tell our own story, but I do believe we are here to showcase the talent of another, and thank them for their contributions. I believe we are here to learn from and help one another, how ever big or small.
   With that in mind, I began contacting artists on Etsy, ones that felt particularly drawn to. Those I felt a creative kindred, and who were able to successfully convey their feelings and passion for our shared interests, like nature, fairy tales, mythology, and the Divine Feminine. I was pleasantly surprised when I found my mailbox full of kind souls, willing to open their shops and hearts, and be a part of my bloggy-blog!

    What follows is my interview with sunny and sweet Andrea, of Storybook Artifact. I was intrigued by her shop and personality, and happy to feature such a unique Etsy shop. With the holidays quickly approaching, (my birthday in less than two weeks should be a national holiday) Storybook Artifact is one little shop you shouldn't overlook!

Storybook Artifact is a cozy one-stop shop for all of your heart's desires; where your dreams and aspirations are captured in that "just what I was looking for" storybook artifact! Able to be passed down through your family's generations, these vintage or hand-crafted treasures can help to express your story; becoming a timeless family heirloom.

1.Have you always been a creative person?
I have always been a drawer. Ever since I was a little girl I'd sketch up some lady's portrait. To me, my mother was the fairest of them all, and my role model later in life: simple and true to life. She was always doing some craft: sewing, painting clothing or canvas, ceramics, latch hook, etc. She also loved being a mother and would do hands-on activities with my sister and I like writing poems. Today, I am a mother myself, and find my children to be my road; whatever creativity sparks from their projects generally will find a place in my Etsy shop:

Upcycled Repurposed Baby Headbands:

Montessori Tummy Time Toy:

Back to early me "drawing", some sketches I have in my shop are from my early (teenage) years.

2.If I wasn't doing this, I would be......
I'd be making a house a tidy cozy home: i.e. chores. Yes, I have to balance my priorities. Generally I am multi-tasking.

At this time of year my local performing art center has a fall series of performances that are free to the public, it is their Brown Bag It "fall series", where you may bring your lunch to snack on while you enjoy a little concert playing: such a wonderful experience for kids. ... Picnics and walks in the park, activities at the library (performances, story-time, workshops, etc.) and checking out free movies and books ... Trips to thrift stores, used bookstores, yard sales, and estate sales ... Camping, biking, hiking, swimming, fishing, and canoeing. Love it all!!!

4.What is the one thing you would like others to know about you? What do you believe your purpose to be?
That my true soul purpose in life is simply being a loving nurturing mother. Career comes second. I am currently in school now: to get to a stopping point with a degree in biology. However, my aspirations past this point are vague in that realm. For as of now, I am in a moment to savor life's gift of bliss with my ever-changing children.

5. What is your favorite fairy tale?
Alice in Wonderland, but this is more of a fantasy story: not an old folk tale retold for generations. With this in mind, I'd have to say Hansel and Gretel.

Willow recommends

If you liked this interview and shop, please visit her on Etsy for more items. Please share and spread the love.. You know you want to!